Monday, November 22, 2010

Guess who had a birthday? I DID, I DID!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to me!

So here we are, the first year of my life. As you can see from the picture to the sides, the first year was capped off with a crazy snow storm and my first ever cupcake that Ammie made from scratch. I know if seems just like the other day that I came into this world. So many of you were there to see me for the first time as I entered this world at Swedish Hospital exactly 1 yr ago to the day. While I can't remember everyone that was there (I was a little tired) I do want to say thank you for being there from day one. Over the past 365 days not only have I done so many new and exciting things but I have met the most amazing people. I really wish I could thank everyone for all that you have contributed to my first year but if I did my birthday blog would look like credits at the end of a movie. So I am going to just say THANK YOU!

A really big thank you with lots of extra hugs and kisses to my most beautiful, giving and thoughtful Ammie. You have been the best Ammie that I could have ever imagined. I am also glad that I got your super good looks and not the bald look of Papa. Although it is looking more and more like I got stuck with his bowed legs.

I did want to give one more extra big thank you to my Archie, Cea and Uncle Eddie for flying up here from California for my birthday. I'm sorry that you left sunny Cali for the 25 degree cold weather and 6 inches of snow in Seattle. But on a good note, you did get to see me eat cupcakes. :)
Wish I could write a little more but it is way past my bedtime. Unfortunately my birthday has to end sometime.
Watch out world, here comes year number two!
Divi-abominable snowman

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My first Halloween!

No one told me just how much fun dressing up in a costume and begging for food would be. I'll get to that in a sec. First let me re-cap my past week.

Friday night Ammie, Papa and I met one of Papa's co-workers Gary and his wife Carolyn for dinner. We just walked to a little favorite Italian place in our neighborhood. It was Gary's birthday that day. I must say Gary looks great. He mentioned something about going to the gym and running the lake 3 days a week. Papa doesn't do that much and he is 18 yrs younger than Gary. I guess I better tell Papa to hit the weights so he can look as good as Gary one day. Happy Birthday Gary, DARLING YOU LOOK FABULOUS!!!!!

On Saturday we went out to dinner with cousin Viyada, her boyfriend Vijay, and my two aunts from Thailand. They think I am super cute, except for the bowed legs that I inherited from Papa. I over heard them talking about wrapping my legs in bamboo and wet towels. Doesn't sound like fun, so I'll just stick with the crazy legs. Papa says that if I have legs like his that I will be quick and fast just like him.

On Sunday Papa took me out with his friends Mark and Sage for their weekend training run. Fortunately uncle Eddie bought me my fancy BOB stroller before I was born so I didn't actually have to run the 10 ridiculous miles with Papa. I got to relax in my stroller, lots of blankets, fresh fruit, bottle of milk and a pacifier, until I threw it on the ground and lost it, but then Papa gave me Sage's car keys. After the long Sunday run in the brisk morning while the sun was rising, we rushed home to host some of Ammie's friends for brunch. We had lots of goodies to snack on. Waffles, turkey bacon, quiche, bagels and lox, champagne (Ammie wouldn't let me have any, AGAIN!) the whole kings spread.

Then it was time to Trick or Treat. Let me tell you how fun it was. I saw so many cute kids, dogs and even parents. Although I do think I was one of the cutest out there. All went well with the candy begging except for one little incident. Since I am petite and my costume is a touch big on me, I found myself a little front heavy. When I tried to kneel down for a little break, I fell forward and hit my head dead smack on the sidewalk. It left a little mark but don't think for a second it kept me from dusting myself off and going back for more candy. The show must go on!

Oh and I must go to bed.

Sweet Divi-honey pot